Have you ever encountered a stoned dog as a pet owner? It can be an alarming and unsettling experience, leaving you in doubt of how to assist your beloved four-legged companion. You may have observed your pup behaving oddly, appearing disorientated or even having impaired motor skills.

Whatever the case may be, the situation is serious, and immediate action is crucial. But don’t worry, we’re here to help! In this article, we’ll guide you through everything you need to know about a stoned dog. From understanding the causes to recognizing the signs and taking the right steps to get your pet unstoned, we’ve got you covered.
Let’s jump in and explore the world of stoned pets, while sharing tips on how to prevent accidental drug ingestion in the future. That way we can keep your furry friend happy, healthy, and full of life!
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How Your Dog Became Stoned?
Dogs can become stoned in various ways, some accidental and others intentional. One of the most common causes of a stoned dog is ingesting THC, the psychoactive compound found in marijuana.
While some pet owners might intentionally give their dogs marijuana, others might accidentally expose their pets to it. This can occur when dogs get into their owner’s stash, consume edibles, or inhale smoke from secondhand marijuana.

However, THC is not the only drug that can cause a dog to become stoned. Dogs can also get high from consuming other drugs, including opioids, amphetamines, and benzodiazepines. In addition, some household substances, such as chocolate, caffeine, and nicotine, can also cause a dog to become stoned.
It’s important to understand how your dog became stoned so that you can take the necessary steps to address the issue. In cases where a dog intentionally ingests drugs, it’s essential to seek professional help from a veterinarian as soon as possible.
Accidental exposure to drugs can also be dangerous and requires prompt action. As a responsible pet owner, it’s crucial to keep drugs and other toxic substances out of your pet’s reach to prevent any accidental ingestion.
What to Do if Your Dog is Stoned?
If you suspect that your dog is stoned, it’s essential to take immediate action to ensure their safety and well-being. Here are some steps to follow if you think your dog has ingested drugs or any other toxic substances:

- Stay calm and assess the situation: Observe your dog’s behavior and look for any signs of distress or discomfort. Take note of how much and what substance your dog might have consumed, as this information will be useful for the vet.
- Contact your veterinarian: Call your veterinarian or a pet poison control center immediately for guidance on what to do next. They may ask you questions about your dog’s symptoms, age, weight, and the substance they ingested.
- Provide first aid: If your dog is showing signs of distress or discomfort, you can provide some initial care. Try to keep your dog calm and comfortable by providing a quiet and dark environment. Offer your pet water, but don’t force them to drink.
- Seek professional help: If your veterinarian recommends it, take your dog to an animal hospital or clinic for further evaluation and treatment. Depending on the situation, your dog might need to receive intravenous fluids, medications, or other treatments to get unstoned.
- Follow-up care: After the initial treatment, it’s crucial to monitor your dog’s condition and follow any follow-up care instructions from your veterinarian. Keep your pet away from any harmful substances and ensure they have plenty of rest and relaxation.
Preventing Your Dog from Becoming Stoned in the Future
As a responsible pet owner, it’s crucial to take measures to prevent your dog from becoming stoned in the future. Here are some tips to help you keep your furry friend safe and healthy:

- Keep drugs and other toxic substances out of reach: Ensure that any medications, edibles, or other substances are stored in a safe place inaccessible to your dog, this includes keeping marijuana out of their reach.
- Be mindful of your pet’s environment: When walking your dog, be mindful of the environment around you. Steer clear of places where marijuana or other drugs may have been discarded and keep your dog on a leash to prevent them from ingesting anything potentially hazardous.
- Educate yourself: Be aware of the signs and symptoms of a stoned dog and what to do in case of an emergency, and consider taking a pet first-aid course to learn how to effectively respond.
- Train your dog: Have your dog learn leave it and drop it, two basic obedience commands that can keep them from picking up hazardous materials while on a walk or at home.
- Consider alternatives: Consider alternatives that are safe for your pet if you enjoy using marijuana or other drugs; for instance, edibles or oils could be a better choice than smoking, both for you and your dog.
Can secondhand smoke from marijuana harm my dog?
Yes, secondhand smoke from marijuana can harm your dog. Dogs have a sensitive respiratory system, and inhaling smoke can lead to respiratory problems, as well as exposure to THC, which can make your dog stoned. Keep your dog away from areas where people are smoking marijuana, and make sure the air in your home is well-ventilated.
Can dogs overdose on marijuana?
Yes, dogs can overdose on marijuana, especially if they consume edibles or other concentrated forms of THC. An overdose can lead to symptoms such as lethargy, vomiting, loss of coordination, and even seizures. It’s important to seek veterinary help immediately if you suspect your dog has consumed too much marijuana.
How can I tell if my dog is stoned?
Some common signs of a stoned dog include lethargy, loss of coordination, dilated pupils, agitation, and sometimes even paranoia. If you suspect that your dog has ingested drugs or other toxic substances, seek veterinary help immediately.
What should I do if my dog has consumed a toxic substance?
If you suspect that your dog has consumed a toxic substance, such as marijuana or another drug, contact your veterinarian or a pet poison control center immediately. They can provide guidance on what steps to take next, including first aid and seeking professional help. It’s important to act quickly to ensure your dog’s safety and well-being.
In conclusion, it’s essential to take steps to prevent your dog from becoming stoned, and to know what to do if an incident occurs. Dogs can be curious creatures and may unintentionally consume drugs or other toxic substances, so it’s crucial to be vigilant and keep harmful substances out of their reach.
By educating yourself about the signs and symptoms of a stoned dog and taking steps to prevent incidents, you can help ensure your dog’s safety and well-being. Remember that as a pet owner, you play a vital role in your dog’s health and happiness, so always prioritize their needs above all else.
Corey is the founder of DogNeedsBest, and her motive behind this website is to provide a platform where pet parents can get free access resources that would them in petting dogs in a better way. She spends her free time taking care of pets at shelter homes of abandoned animals. Corey also donates a certain portion of her wealth to pet shelter homes in Miami, Naples, and Tampa.